Frequent Questions About 3D, 4D & HD Ultrasounds
The questions listed below are the most frequently asked questions about our Elective Prenatal 3D Ultrasound, 4D Ultrasound & HD Ultrasound packages. Should you have any questions that are not answered below, please call us at 304-974-TIME.

2D ultrasound is the standard black and white ultrasound image you will typically receive at your doctor’s appointment. 3D ultrasound images show much more detail of the baby’s facial features. 4D ultrasound shows the movement in the womb of your baby. Finally, HD ultrasound shows even more detail and a richer color.
We offer elective 2D, 3D & 4D prenatal ultrasounds to provide a proactive, positive bonding experience for the mother, father and family members with the unborn baby. Realistic surface images provide a connection between the parents and baby that can be beneficial to the whole family. A medical, diagnostic ultrasound should have already been performed to assess the gestational age of the fetus and to evaluate for fetal anomalies, as well as the basic components of fetal anatomy.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Women seeking an elective prenatal ultrasound with Tummy Time 3D must be receiving treatment with a healthcare provider for prenatal care. Your imaging session at Tummy Time 3D is strictly an elective ultrasound. We demonstrate and document only the existence of a heart beat. Please note, at no time is this elective experience to be confused with, or used in place of, a diagnostic ultrasound.
Extensive studies conducted over 35 years have found that ultrasound has not been shown to cause any harm to mother or baby. Routine scanning of all pregnancies is now normal throughout the United States. These routine scans would be considered highly irresponsible if there were even a small risk to mother or baby. In 3D/4D scanning, exactly the same type and intensity of ultrasound is used as with conventional 2D scanning. 3D and 4D Ultrasound both utilize sound waves to look inside the body. The technology is similar to radar. A probe placed on the body emits sound waves into the body, listens for the return echo and generates an image. 4D ultrasound will be similar to a conventional scan in terms of sound exposure.
Yes, appointments are necessary for all of our services.
Depending on the package you choose, the 4D ultrasound session will last between 15 and 30 minutes. However, plan on spending an hour with us for select packages so we can select and print your favorite photos from the session.
If you plan on having only one 4D ultrasound session, we would recommend having the ultrasound performed between the 26th and 34th week of the pregnancy. However, excellent images of your baby can be obtained anytime after about 22 weeks of pregnancy. Many mothers obtain more than one 4D ultrasound and have images to enjoy from their second and third trimesters.
Usually, but not always. Sometimes if the baby is looking face down, i.e. towards your spine, it may be difficult to see the baby’s face. Other factors that can influence the images are gestational age, amount of amniotic fluid, and maternal obesity. We will be happy to discuss with you our policies and your options should your scan be difficult to obtain.
Yes. In fact, we encourage our clients to invite family and friends to attend the elective 4D ultrasound session. This is a joyous and wonderful experience, one that can be shared with your family and loved ones.
Yes, in most cases we can provide an indication of the sex of the baby. We can’t however guarantee that the baby will cooperate during your session. Certain factors such as body tissue content, developmental stage and fetal position all affect the ability to determine sex.
At this point, insurance does not cover the costs of our ultrasounds. Since this is an elective procedure and is not intended to be a replacement for your doctor ordered ultrasound, you will need to pay the cost of this ultrasound as an out of pocket expense. We accept cash, Mastercard and Visa as forms of payment.
We use the state-of-the-art GE Voluson E6 to complete all ultrasound sessions. The GE Voluson E6 has been seen in GE television commercials and many printed articles from around the world. This machine is the finest 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound machine available anywhere. Please note, many organizations claim to use “state-of-the-art” equipment, when in fact they use older or inferior technology.
WATER!!! is the best answer to improve image quality. You should be drinking plenty of water beginning at least 7 days before your scheduled appointment. Water can improve the quality of an ultrasound.
It is our number one priority at Tummy Time 3D to obtain the absolute best images of your baby and make sure you are satisfied to the fullest. We use top of the line ultrasound equipment to ensure this outcome. However, some factors that determine the outcome of your ultrasound are out of our control, such as: location of placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby, the clarity of the amniotic fluid, the baby’s position and the overall fetal environment. If we are unable to determine the gender of your child or obtain 3D/4D/HD images at your scheduled appointment due to these factors mentioned above, you will be asked to reschedule and come back for a second appointment within the next 14 days at no charge.
Pregnancy Confirmation & Gender Determination appointments: Fill your bladder before coming to your appointment.
3D/4D/HD appointments: Drink plenty of water even several days before your appointment to ensure your amniotic fluid is clear. About a half hour before your 3D/4D/HD ultrasound scan, try to drink a fruit juice so that your baby will be awake during your session (unless you are told not to by your physician).